To demonstrate the capabilities of Way4Pay we created a demo environment. It enables you to test the most important functions.
The environment consists of a virtual bank, where you can open a virtual account, and of several virtual shops, where you can buy virtual goods. As we are in the virtual world only, all the offers, opportunities as well as purchases and payments are virtual only and no real service or goods will be delivered. We greatly appreciate your kind participation in our game as well as remarks you may kindly send us.
Yours Way4Pay team.
Please open an account in our virtual Way4Pay bank. You need not to give any personal data, just enter your e-mail for sending you access data.
You will shortly receive sent to your email the temporary password and a link to enter your virtual account in the Way4Pay virtual bank we opened for you.
Use your temporary password to access your account. Change your password afterwards. As you can see, your account has already a positive balance o 1000 WEPs, we granted it to you (do not worry, it costs us nothing) its our virtual Way4Pay currency.